NextGenTech Digital Academy

Kelas yang Ditawarkan

person using black tablet computer
person using black tablet computer
man standing in front of people sitting beside table with laptop computers
man standing in front of people sitting beside table with laptop computers
Digital Asset Mastery
  • Pengenalan Aset Digital & Blockchain

  • Cara Memilih & Mengelola Aset Digital

  • Dasar-Dasar Trading & Manajemen Risiko

Startup & Entrepreneurship
  • Ideation & Market Research

  • Business Model Canvas

  • Dasar-Dasar Digital Marketing

a close up of a person's face in front of a computer screen
a close up of a person's face in front of a computer screen
Web Development & Digital Product
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript Fundamental

  • UI/UX Basic & Prototyping

  • Artificial intelligence

person using laptop

Kursus di Nextgentech Digital Academy sangat membantu meningkatkan keterampilan digital saya untuk masa depan yang lebih baik.

Rina Putri


Saya merasa siap menghadapi tantangan digital berkat pelatihan yang saya terima di Nextgentech Digital Academy.

A classroom setting with several people seated at long tables with laptops and papers, attending a presentation or workshop. A presenter is standing to the right of the image, engaging with the audience. The room is well-lit, with a large banner on the wall displaying the topic 'Student Question in the Contemporary Classroom'. Various items such as flowers, cups, and boxes are placed on the tables.
A classroom setting with several people seated at long tables with laptops and papers, attending a presentation or workshop. A presenter is standing to the right of the image, engaging with the audience. The room is well-lit, with a large banner on the wall displaying the topic 'Student Question in the Contemporary Classroom'. Various items such as flowers, cups, and boxes are placed on the tables.

Rizki Haikal
